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Gold Canyon Plumbing

Gold Canyon Plumbing

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Gold Canyon Plumbing FAQs

24-Hour Emergency Service | Woman Led Business | Green Friendly

24-Hour Emergency Service

Water Testing Available

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Open 24 Hours

Learn More About Gold Canyon Plumbing

Have a plumbing-related question? We have the answer! Check out our FAQs below to learn more about our company and services.

  • How long will a water heater last?

    This is something that's definitely variable. It depends on many different factors. For example, water quality and how much the system is used will make a difference in how long it lasts. Due to the extremely hard water conditions in this region, water heaters in Arizona usually last between 6 and 8 years (or less if there's been no maintenance). Eventually, you may need water heater repair in Gold Canyon, AZ. When you do, reach out to Gold Canyon Plumbing.

  • How hot should my home's water be?

    We do not recommend water to be any hotter than 120 degrees. Anything higher than that temperature could become dangerous for small children or elderly people. If you are having trouble maintaining the temperature of your home's water, give us a call for the water heater repair Gold Canyon, AZ residents rely on. 

  • Why do I run out of hot water?

    It could be because of your water heater. The first thing we do is look at your water heating needs. Then we look to see if the water heater is working properly and delivering the water that it's supposed to. If it is, it may just not be sized properly. Otherwise, you may need water heater repair in Gold Canyon, AZ.

  • Why does it take so long to get hot water?

    You're standing at the sink, waiting for hot water to come out, but it takes practically forever. That's because the hot water has to get from the heater to the faucet. If the water heater is physically located a long distance away from the faucet, it's going to take a long time to get there. There are solutions to this problem. It would probably save you money to install a recirculation system to keep hot water at the faucet. When you need water heater or plumbing repairs in Gold Canyon, AZ give us a call!

  • Why do I have such low water pressure in my home?

    When most people ask for water pressure, they're really asking for water volume. Low volume could be caused by a number of factors. The street pressure that's being provided to you might be low. You may be using a well that doesn't have much water. Maybe you have old pipes that are like clogged arteries. The way to increase volume is to install booster pumps, fix the well situation, or replace the pipes to get rid of the clogged arteries in the plumbing system. When you're having trouble with water pressure or volume, turn to the emergency plumber Gold Canyon, AZ residents depend on.

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